7 ways to distinguish safe plastic products


What are the safe types of plastic

In general, plastics contain many substances that are toxic to humans. Some of these compounds can leach into foods by the time, especially at high temperatures. To avoid this, use products made from safe plastic.
The resins are classified and denoted as follows: PETE “1”, HDPE “2”, PVC “3”, LDPE “4”, PP: “5”, PS “6” and PC “7”.
The above symbols are usually written on the bottom of plastic boxes, plastic bottles, plastic caps …
Plastics may contain chemicals that can cause harm to health in varying degrees.
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a toxic chemical that causes hormonal disturbances, often found in plastics, especially at high temperatures, and dissolves into food. It can cause very dangerous diseases such as cancer, thyroid dysfunction, damage to the nervous system, bronchitis, asthma …
Everyone needs to know which plastic can be used to store food or in the microwave without being harmful, and which plastic should never be reused to store food.

1. PETE plastic – symbol number 1

Say “no” to PETE.
Plastic No. 1 is often used to store liquid foods such as soft drinks, mineral water, sauces, juice …
Plastic No. 1 should be used only once, should not be reused many times because it contains BPA, which can dissolve into food, affecting health. Especially when having a high temperature like in a car, close to the gas stove, in the sun. It should not be used for long term food storage.
Note that this plastic should not be reused.
2. HDPE plastic – symbol 2
This is the best plastic of all. Experts recommend choosing No. 2 plastic for long-term food storage.
This plastic has high thermal stability and is chemically inert, does not release toxins into food.
Plastic No. 2 is used to make items such as plastic bottles, milk jugs, cooking oil containers, hard plastic bottles, toys and plastic bags.
This resin can be distinguished by color, which usually has a distinct blue color.
To be on the safe side, double-check the mark on the plastic and make sure it’s number 2 – BPA free
3. PVC PLASTIC – symbol 3
PVC plastic is very dangerous because it contains many toxic substances such as phthalates and BPA, which can dissolve into food under the effect of heat.
Therefore, it is imperative to never wrap food while it is still hot. Absolutely do not use plastic wrap and put it in the microwave to warm up. This is a very dangerous habit for health.
Do not reuse No. 3 plastic for food, especially hot food.
Plastic No. 3 includes packaging films, food wrap, transparent glass plastic film, cooking oil container, water container, liquid food …
4. LDPE plastic – symbol 4
Used in disposable products such as plastic bags or nylon gloves, nylon bags, bags and cake boxes.
No.4 plastic is chemically inert but has poor heat resistance, so it should not be used in the microwave, avoiding high temperatures.
5. PP plastic – symbol 5
PP is a plastic recommended by experts, because of its high thermal stability and chemical inertness, safe for health.
Plastic No. 5 has the highest heat resistance, can withstand 130 – 170 degrees, so it is used as a food container, can be used in the microwave.
However, it should only be used in the microwave for 2-3 minutes, not for too long.
PP plastic is usually slightly transparent. This plastic is reusable. Can hold water for a long time without being toxic. Please choose number 5.
6. PS plastic: No 6 recycled plastic
PS plastic is cheap and light. Often used as food styrofoam or disposable plates, cups and spoons.
This resin is exposed to high temperatures and acidic substances that can release toxic substances. Therefore, this plastic is not allowed to store food for long.
7. PC Plastic – No.7 plastic (or no symbols)
This is extremely toxic plastic because it contains BPA, often used to produce plastic chemical containers or food containers such as yogurt boxes, instant noodle boxes, butter boxes …
Number 7 is the symbol for unhealthy and hazardous plastics. Especially when storing hot food, it is capable of poisoning food, very dangerous.


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